HTML Basic Website Design

A pleasant and user-friendly appearance is very important to a website. This is to mainly keep your visitors spending more time on your website and find it educational yet informative. This is a basic information that your customers will want to know, so it should all be easily accessible on your website. Adding some helpful contact tools to your website is an easy win and puts you ahead of most other small businesses. Most new visitors are unlikely to contact your customer support, they only do it because they feel they have to. If you give them quicker and easier alternatives to contacting support, most will use them such as a contact form on your website.

The Needs

- A clear description of who you are
- A simple, sensible Web address
- A design and style that's friendly to online readers
- Know the basics of SEO
- Image Gallery
- Fresh, quality content
- Easy-to-find contact information
- A secure hosting platform